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lib/ Functions

lib.asserts: assertion functions#

{#sec-functions-library-asserts} ## lib.asserts.assertHomeManagerLoaded {#function-library-lib.asserts.assertHomeManagerLoaded} Asserts that the home-manager module is installed and imported. Type: assertHomeManagerLoaded :: AttrSet a -> (AttrSet a | Error) cfg : (AttrSet) An AttrSet with the already parsed NixOS config :::

lib.asserts.assertHomeManagerLoaded usage example ```nix#

nix title="Example" linenums="1" config = mkIf cfg.enable (mkMerge [ ({ assertions = with tensorfiles.asserts; [ (mkIf cfg.home.enable (assertHomeManagerLoaded config)) ]; }) ]); ``` :::

Declared by: - /nix/store/d0di7dp3rn81gv0x7i7ki1gj7n3yjrgv-lib/asserts.nix

lib.attrsets: attribute set functions#

{#sec-functions-library-attrsets} ## lib.attrsets.mapFilterAttrs {#function-library-lib.attrsets.mapFilterAttrs} Apply a map to every attribute of an attrset and then filter the resulting attrset based on a given predicate function. Type: mapFilterAttrs :: (AttrSet b -> Bool) -> (AttrSet a -> AttrSet b) -> AttrSet a -> AttrSet b pred : (AttrSet b -> Bool) Predicate used for filtering f : (AttrSet a -> AttrSet b) Function used for transforming the given AttrSets attrs : (AttrSet a) Initial attrset ## lib.attrsets.mergeAttrs {#function-library-lib.attrsets.mergeAttrs} Recursively merges a list of attrsets. Type: mergeAttrs :: [AttrSet] -> AttrSet attrs : ([AttrSet]) The list of attrsets ::: {.example #function-library-example-lib.attrsets.mergeAttrs} # lib.attrsets.mergeAttrs usage example nixnix title="Example" linenums="1" mergeAttrs [ { keyA = 1; keyB = 3; } { keyB = 10; keyC = "hey"; nestedKey = { A = null; }; } { nestedKey = { A = 3; B = 4; }; } ] => { keyA = 1; keyB = 10; keyC = "hey"; nestedKey = { A = 3; B = 4; };} ::: ## lib.attrsets.mapToAttrsAndMerge {#function-library-lib.attrsets.mapToAttrsAndMerge} Given a list of elements, applies a transformation to each of the element to an attrset and then recursively merges the resulting attrset. Type: mapToAttrsAndMerge :: [a] -> (a -> AttrSet) -> AttrSet list : ([a]) Initial list of elements f : (a -> AttrSet) Function used for transforming the initial elements to attrsets ::: {.example


lib.attrsets.mapToAttrsAndMerge usage example nixnix title="Example" linenums="1" mapToAttrsAndMerge [ 1 2 3 ] (x: { "key_${toString x}": x * x }) => { "key_1" = 1; "key_2" = 4; "key_3" = 9; } ::: ## lib.attrsets.flatten {#function-library-lib.attrsets.flatten} Recursively flattens a nested attrset into a list of just its values. Type: flatten :: AttrSet a -> [a] attrs : (AttrSet a) Initial nested attrset ::: {.example


lib.attrsets.flatten usage example nixnix title="Example" linenums="1" flatten { keyA = 10; keyB = "str20"; keyC = { keyD = false; keyE = { a = 10; b = "20"; c = false; }; }; } => [ 10 "str20" false 10 "20" false ] ::: ## lib.attrsets.groupAttrsetBySublistElems {#function-library-lib.attrsets.groupAttrsetBySublistElems} Performs a groupBy element based grouping operation on nested attrset. Isn't natively supported so the strategy is to first convert the attrset into a list of nameValuePairs and then perform the groupBy on (item: item.value). After a successful grouping the list is converted back to an attrset Note: This function should work with arbitrary objects as long as the values themselves are not nested again -- for arbitrarily large nests you should instead apply this function recursively. Type: groupAttrsetBySublistElems :: AttrSet a(b) -> AttrSet b(a) inputAttrset : (AttrSet a(b)) The initial nested attrset ::: {.example


lib.attrsets.groupAttrsetBySublistElems usage example nixnix title="Example" linenums="1" groupAttrsetBySublistElems { pkg1 = [ "aarch64_linux" "x86_64-linux" ]; pkg2 = [ "x86_64-linux" ]; pkg3 = [ "aarch64-linux" ] } => { "aarch64-linux" = [ "pkg1" "pkg3" ]; "x86_64-linux" = [ "pkg1" "pkg2" ]; } :::

Declared by: - /nix/store/d0di7dp3rn81gv0x7i7ki1gj7n3yjrgv-lib/attrsets.nix

lib.licenses: tensorfiles licenses#


Declared by: - /nix/store/d0di7dp3rn81gv0x7i7ki1gj7n3yjrgv-lib/licenses.nix

lib.lists: list manipulation functions#

{#sec-functions-library-lists} ## lib.lists.flipMap {#function-library-lib.lists.flipMap} Map function with flipped arguments. Type: flipMap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] ::: {.example #function-library-example-lib.lists.flipMap} # lib.lists.flipMap usage example nixnix title="Example" linenums="1" flipmap (x: x * x) [ 1 2 3 ] => [ 1 4 9 ] :::

Declared by: - /nix/store/d0di7dp3rn81gv0x7i7ki1gj7n3yjrgv-lib/lists.nix

lib.maintainers: tensorfiles maintainers#


Declared by: - /nix/store/d0di7dp3rn81gv0x7i7ki1gj7n3yjrgv-lib/maintainers.nix

lib.modules: general modularity functions#

{#sec-functions-library-modules} ## lib.modules.mkOverrideAtModuleLevel {#function-library-lib.modules.mkOverrideAtModuleLevel} mkOverride function with a preset priority set for all of the nixos modules. Type: mkOverrideAtModuleLevel :: AttrSet a -> { _type :: String; priority :: Int; content :: AttrSet a; } ## lib.modules.mkOverrideAtProfileLevel {#function-library-lib.modules.mkOverrideAtProfileLevel} mkOverride function with a preset priority set for all of the nixos profiles, that is, modules that preconfigure other modules. Type: mkOverrideAtProfileLevel :: AttrSet a -> { _type :: String; priority :: Int; content :: AttrSet a; } ## lib.modules.mapModules {#function-library-lib.modules.mapModules} Recursively read a directory and apply a provided function to every .nix file. Returns an attrset that reflects the filenames and directory structure of the root. Notes: 1. Files and directories starting with the _ or .git prefix will be completely ignored. 2. If a directory with a myDir/default.nix file will be encountered, the function will be applied to the myDir/default.nix file instead of recursively loading myDir and applying it to every file. Type: mapModules :: Path -> (Path -> AttrSet a) -> { name :: String; value :: AttrSet a; } dir : (Path) Root directory on which should the recursive mapping be applied fn : (Path -> AttrSet a) Function that transforms node paths to their custom attrsets ::: {.example


lib.modules.mapModules usage example nixnix title="Example" linenums="1" mapModules ./modules import => { hardware = { moduleA = { ... }; }; system = { moduleB = { ... }; }; } mapModules ./hosts (host: mkHostCustomFunction myArg host) => { hostA = { ... }; hostB = { ... }; } ::: ## lib.modules.mkNixpkgs {#function-library-lib.modules.mkNixpkgs} Custom nixpkgs constructor. Its purpose is to import provided nixpkgs while setting the target platform and all over the needed overlays. Type: mkNixpkgs :: AttrSet -> String -> [(AttrSet -> AttrSet -> AttrSet)] -> Attrset pkgs : (AttrSet) TODO (this is probably not an actual attrset?) system : (String) System string identifier (eg: "x86_64-linux", "aarch64-linux", "aarch64-darwin") extraOverlays : ([AttrSet -> AttrSet -> AttrSet]) Extra overlays that should be applied to the created pkgs ::: {.example


lib.modules.mkNixpkgs usage example nixnix title="Example" linenums="1" mkNixpkgs inputs.nixpkgs "x86_64-linux" [] => { ... } mkNixpkgs inputs.nixpkgs "aarch64-linux" [ (final: prev: { customPkgs = inputs.customPkgs { pkgs = final; }; }) ] => { ... } ::: ## lib.modules.mkHost {#function-library-lib.modules.mkHost} Custom host (that is, nixosSystem) constructor. It expects a target host dir path as its first argument, that is, not a .nix file, but a directory. The reasons for this are the following: 1. Each host gets its specifically constructed version of nixpkgs for its target platform, which is specified in the myHostDir/system file. 2. Apart from some main host .nix file almost every host has some hardware-configuration.nix thus implying a host directory structure holding atleast 2 files + the system file. This means that the minimal required structure for a host dir is - myHostDir/ - (required) default.nix - (required) system - (optional) hardware-configuration.nix Type: mkHost :: Path -> Attrset dir : (Path) Path to the root directory further providing the "system" and "default.nix" files ## lib.modules.mkDummyDerivation {#function-library-lib.modules.mkDummyDerivation} Returns a dummy derivation with a given name as and a platform specific builder. Useful when constructing certain defaults or general debugging. The resulting derivation can be compiled without errors, but obviously doesn't produce any nontrivial output. Type: mkDummyDerivation :: String -> String -> AttrSet a -> Package a name : (String) Name of the dummy derivation system : (String) System architecture string. This is going to be used for choosing the target derivation builder extraArgs : (AttrSet a) An attrset with possibly any additional values that are going to be passed to the mkDerivation call ::: {.example #function-library-example-lib.modules.mkDummyDerivation} # lib.modules.mkDummyDerivation usage example nixnix title="Example" linenums="1" mkDummyDerivation "example-pkg" "aarch64-linux" {} => derivation mkDummyDerivation "example-pkg2" "x86_64-linux" { meta.license = lib.licenses.gpl20; } => derivation :::

Declared by: - /nix/store/d0di7dp3rn81gv0x7i7ki1gj7n3yjrgv-lib/modules.nix

{#sec-functions-library-nixos} ## lib.nixos.isPersistenceEnabled {#function-library-lib.nixos.isPersistenceEnabled} Check whether the persistence system is enabled, that is whether 1. The tensorfiles.system.persistence module is imported 2. It is also enabled Type: isPersistenceEnabled :: AttrSet -> Bool cfg : (AttrSet) An AttrSet with the already parsed NixOS config ## lib.nixos.isAgenixEnabled {#function-library-lib.nixos.isAgenixEnabled} Check whether the agenix system is enabled, that is whether 1. The moduls is imported 2. It is also enabled Type: isAgenixEnabled :: AttrSet -> Bool cfg : (AttrSet) An AttrSet with the already parsed NixOS config ## lib.nixos.isUsersSystemEnabled {#function-library-lib.nixos.isUsersSystemEnabled} Check whether the agenix system is enabled, that is whether 1. The tensorfiles.system.users module is imported 2. It is also enabled Type: isUsersSystemEnabled :: AttrSet -> Bool cfg : (AttrSet) An AttrSet with the already parsed NixOS config ## lib.nixos.isPywalEnabled {#function-library-lib.nixos.isPywalEnabled} Check whether the pywal theme system module is enabled, that is whether 1. The tensorfiles.programs.pywal module is imported 2. It is also enabled Type: isPywalEnabled:: AttrSet -> Bool cfg : (AttrSet) An AttrSet with the already parsed NixOS config ## lib.nixos.absolutePathToRelativeHome {#function-library-lib.nixos.absolutePathToRelativeHome} Transforms an absolute path to a one relative to the given user home directory. It basically functions as a case handler for lib.strings.removePrefix to handle a variety of different cases. 1. If you pass cfg = config; then the function will load the homeDir specified in the users system module (tensorfiles.system.users). Note that the module has to be also enabled. 2. You can instead just pass the username directly instead, in that case it will remove either /home/$user or /root depending on the provided user. 3. You can also just pass the home. In that case it behaves basically just like a direct call to lib.strings.removePrefix 4. You can omit passing any variables, in that case the function will try to parse the user that has been passed for the initialization of the whole lib/ (if any was provided). If no user was provided in this manner, it will fallback to /root. Type: absolutePathToRelativeHome :: Path -> { _user :: String; home :: String; cfg :: AttrSet } -> String path : (Path) The absolute path that should be transformed to a relative one structured function argument : _user : (String) Username that will be used to parse the homedir. Default: module level user if provided, otherwise "root" home : (Path) In case of a nontraditional /home structure, you can provide the full homedir path. Default: null cfg : (AttrSet) An AttrSet with the already parsed NixOS config. Passing this attrset enabled parsing homedir directly via the usersSystem module. Default: null ::: {.example


lib.nixos.absolutePathToRelativeHome usage example nixnix title="Example" linenums="1" absolutePathToRelativeHome "/home/myUser/myDir/file.txt" { cfg = config; user = "myUser"; } => "myDir/file.txt" absolutePathToRelativeHome "/home/myUser/myDir/file.txt" { user = "myUser"; } => "myDir/file.txt" absolutePathToRelativeHome "/root/myDir/file.txt" { user = "root"; } => "myDir/file.txt" absolutePathToRelativeHome "/var/myUserHome/myDir/file.txt" { home = "/var/myUserHome"; } => "myDir/file.txt" absolutePathToRelativeHome "/home/myUser/myDir/file.txt" {} => "myDir/file.txt" ::: ## lib.nixos.getUserHomeDir {#function-library-lib.nixos.getUserHomeDir} A generic function for parsing the user home directory. The parsing will be attempted in the following order: 1. In case that the users system is enabled, the value will be parsed from the homeDir home.settings option of the users module (if the user is entry is well defined in the home.settings attrset). 2. If not, it will check whether home-manager is enabled, loaded and if the user is well defined inside, in that case it will return the home.homeDirectory variable. 3. If not, it will check whether the user is well defined in the users.users attrset and if yes, it will return the home variable. 4. If not, it will manually return either the usual "/home/$user" or "/root" depending on the context This method is designed to be an abstraction between different modules/systems that provide this kind of functionality. It enables writing extensible nix expressions instead of relying on any specific module that the end user might not have enabled or might even remove in the future. Type: { _user :: String; cfg :: AttrSet } -> Path structured function argument : _user : (String) Target user whose home directory should be parsed. Default: user passed during lib init cfg : (AttrSet) An AttrSet with the already parsed NixOS config. Passing this attribute enables parsing the home directory dynamically from the configuration itself rather than statically. ::: {.example


lib.nixos.getUserHomeDir usage example nixnix title="Example" linenums="1" getUserHomeDir { _user = "myUser"; } => "/home/myUser" getUserHomeDir { _user = "root"; } => "/root" tensorfiles.system.users.enable = true; tensorfiles.system.users.home.enable = true; tensorfiles.system.users.home."myUser".homeDir = "/var/mySecretDir"; getUserHomeDir { _user = "myUser"; cfg = config; } => "/var/mySecretDir" tensorfiles.system.users.enable = false; home-manager.users."myUser".home.homeDirectory = null; users.users."myUser".home = "/var/myOtherSecretDir"; getUserHomeDir { _user = "myUser"; cfg = config; } => "/var/myOtherSecretDir" ::: ## lib.nixos.getUserConfigDir {#function-library-lib.nixos.getUserConfigDir} A generic function for parsing the user config directory. The parsing will be attempted in the following order: 1. In case that the users system is enabled, the value will be parsed from the configDir home.settings option of the users module (if the user is entry is well defined in the home.settings attrset). 2. If not, the home directory will be dynamically retrieved using the getUserHomeDir function and .config will simply be appended to it and returned. This method is designed to be an abstraction between different modules/systems that provide this kind of functionality. It enables writing extensible nix expressions instead of relying on any specific module that the end user might not have enabled or might even remove in the future. Type: { _user :: String; cfg :: AttrSet } -> Path structured function argument : _user : (String) Target user whose config directory should be parsed. Default: user passed during lib init cfg : (AttrSet) An AttrSet with the already parsed NixOS config. Passing this attribute enables parsing the config directory dynamically from the configuration itself rather than statically. ::: {.example


lib.nixos.getUserConfigDir usage example nixnix title="Example" linenums="1" getUserConfigDir { _user = "myUser"; } => "/home/myUser/.config" getUserConfigDir { _user = "root"; } => "/root/.config" tensorfiles.system.users.enable = true; tensorfiles.system.users.home.enable = true; tensorfiles.system.users.home."myUser".configDir = "/var/mySecretDir/configuration"; getUserConfigDir { _user = "myUser"; cfg = config; } => "/var/mySecretDir/configuration" ::: ## lib.nixos.getUserCacheDir {#function-library-lib.nixos.getUserCacheDir} A generic function for parsing the user cache directory. The parsing will be attempted in the following order: 1. In case that the users system is enabled, the value will be parsed from the cacheDir home.settings option of the users module (if the user is entry is well defined in the home.settings attrset). 2. If not, the home directory will be dynamically retrieved using the getUserHomeDir function and .cache will simply be appended to it and returned. This method is designed to be an abstraction between different modules/systems that provide this kind of functionality. It enables writing extensible nix expressions instead of relying on any specific module that the end user might not have enabled or might even remove in the future. Type: { _user :: String; cfg :: AttrSet } -> Path structured function argument : _user : (String) Target user whose cache directory should be parsed. Default: user passed during lib init cfg : (AttrSet) An AttrSet with the already parsed NixOS config. Passing this attribute enables parsing the cache directory dynamically from the configuration itself rather than statically. ::: {.example


lib.nixos.getUserCacheDir usage example nixnix title="Example" linenums="1" getUserCacheDir { _user = "myUser"; } => "/home/myUser/.cache" getUserCacheDir { _user = "root"; } => "/root/.cache" tensorfiles.system.users.enable = true; tensorfiles.system.users.home.enable = true; tensorfiles.system.users.home."myUser".cacheDir = "/var/mySecretDir/cache"; getUserCacheDir { _user = "myUser"; cfg = config; } => "/var/mySecretDir/cache" ::: ## lib.nixos.getUserAppDataDir {#function-library-lib.nixos.getUserAppDataDir} A generic function for parsing the user app data directory. The parsing will be attempted in the following order: 1. In case that the users system is enabled, the value will be parsed from the appDataDir home.settings option of the users module (if the user is entry is well defined in the home.settings attrset). 2. If not, the home directory will be dynamically retrieved using the getUserHomeDir function and .local/share will simply be appended to it and returned. This method is designed to be an abstraction between different modules/systems that provide this kind of functionality. It enables writing extensible nix expressions instead of relying on any specific module that the end user might not have enabled or might even remove in the future. Type: { _user :: String; cfg :: AttrSet } -> Path structured function argument : _user : (String) Target user whose app data directory should be parsed. Default: user passed during lib init cfg : (AttrSet) An AttrSet with the already parsed NixOS config. Passing this attribute enables parsing the app data directory dynamically from the configuration itself rather than statically. ::: {.example


lib.nixos.getUserAppDataDir usage example nixnix title="Example" linenums="1" getUserAppDataDir { _user = "myUser"; } => "/home/myUser/.local/share" getUserAppDataDir { _user = "root"; } => "/root/.local/share" tensorfiles.system.users.enable = true; tensorfiles.system.users.home.enable = true; tensorfiles.system.users.home."myUser".appDataDir = "/var/mySecretDir/appData"; getUserAppDataDir { _user = "myUser"; cfg = config; } => "/var/mySecretDir/appData" ::: ## lib.nixos.getUserAppStateDir {#function-library-lib.nixos.getUserAppStateDir} A generic function for parsing the user app state directory. The parsing will be attempted in the following order: 1. In case that the users system is enabled, the value will be parsed from the appStateDir home.settings option of the users module (if the user is entry is well defined in the home.settings attrset). 2. If not, the home directory will be dynamically retrieved using the getUserHomeDir function and .local/state will simply be appended to it and returned. This method is designed to be an abstraction between different modules/systems that provide this kind of functionality. It enables writing extensible nix expressions instead of relying on any specific module that the end user might not have enabled or might even remove in the future. Type: { _user :: String; cfg :: AttrSet } -> Path structured function argument : _user : (String) Target user whose app state directory should be parsed. Default: user passed during lib init cfg : (AttrSet) An AttrSet with the already parsed NixOS config. Passing this attribute enables parsing the app state directory dynamically from the configuration itself rather than statically. ::: {.example


lib.nixos.getUserAppStateDir usage example nixnix title="Example" linenums="1" getUserAppStateDir { _user = "myUser"; } => "/home/myUser/.local/state" getUserAppStateDir { _user = "root"; } => "/root/.local/state" tensorfiles.system.users.enable = true; tensorfiles.system.users.home.enable = true; tensorfiles.system.users.home."myUser".appStateDir = "/var/mySecretDir/appState"; getUserAppStateDir { _user = "myUser"; cfg = config; } => "/var/mySecretDir/appState" `` ::: ##lib.nixos.getUserDownloadsDir{#function-library-lib.nixos.getUserDownloadsDir} A generic function for parsing the user Downloads directory. The parsing will be attempted in the following order: 1. In case that the users system is enabled, the value will be parsed from the downloadsDir home.settings option of the users module (if the user is entry is well defined in the home.settings attrset). 2. If not, the home directory will be dynamically retrieved using thegetUserHomeDirfunction andDownloadswill simply be appended to it and returned. This method is designed to be an abstraction between different modules/systems that provide this kind of functionality. It enables writing extensible nix expressions instead of relying on any specific module that the end user might not have enabled or might even remove in the future. *Type*:{ _user :: String; cfg :: AttrSet } -> Pathstructured function argument :_user: (String) Target user whose Downloads directory should be parsed. Default: user passed during lib initcfg` : (AttrSet) An AttrSet with the already parsed NixOS config. Passing this attribute enables parsing the Downloads directory dynamically from the configuration itself rather than statically. ::: {.example


lib.nixos.getUserDownloadsDir usage example nixnix title="Example" linenums="1" getUserDownloadsDir { _user = "myUser"; } => "/home/myUser/Downloads" getUserDownloadsDir { _user = "root"; } => "/root/Downloads" tensorfiles.system.users.enable = true; tensorfiles.system.users.home.enable = true; tensorfiles.system.users.home."myUser".downloadsDir = "/var/mySecretDir/downloaded_stuff"; getUserHomeDir { _user = "myUser"; cfg = config; } => "/var/mySecretDir/downloaded_stuff" ::: ## lib.nixos.getUserEmail {#function-library-lib.nixos.getUserEmail} A generic function for parsing the user email. The parsing will be attempted in the following order: 1. In case that the users system is enabled, the value will be parsed from the appStateDir home.settings option of the users module (if the user is entry is well defined in the home.settings attrset). 2. If not, it will return null, since that's for now the only available option. This method is designed to be an abstraction between different modules/systems that provide this kind of functionality. It enables writing extensible nix expressions instead of relying on any specific module that the end user might not have enabled or might even remove in the future. Type: { _user :: String; cfg :: AttrSet } -> (String | null) structured function argument : _user : (String) Target user whose email should be parsed. Default: user passed during lib init cfg : (AttrSet) An AttrSet with the already parsed NixOS config. Passing this attribute enables parsing the email dynamically from the configuration itself rather than statically. ::: {.example


lib.nixos.getUserEmail usage example nixnix title="Example" linenums="1" getUserEmail { _user = "myUser"; } => null tensorfiles.system.users.enable = true; tensorfiles.system.users.home.enable = true; tensorfiles.system.users.home."myUser".email = ""; getUserEmail { _user = "myUser"; cfg = config; } => "" :::

Declared by: - /nix/store/d0di7dp3rn81gv0x7i7ki1gj7n3yjrgv-lib/nixos.nix

lib.options: NixOS / nixpkgs option handling#

{#sec-functions-library-options} ## lib.options.mkAlreadyEnabledOption {#function-library-lib.options.mkAlreadyEnabledOption} Creates an enableOption (ie mkEnableOption), however, already preenabled. Type: String -> Option description : Function argument ## lib.options.mkPersistenceEnableOption {#function-library-lib.options.mkPersistenceEnableOption} Creates an enableOption targeted for the management of the persistence system. Type: Option ## lib.options.mkPywalEnableOption {#function-library-lib.options.mkPywalEnableOption} Creates an enableOption targeted for the integration with the pywal colorscheme generator. Type: Option ## lib.options.mkAgenixEnableOption {#function-library-lib.options.mkAgenixEnableOption} Creates an enableOption targeted for the management of the agenix security system. Type: Option ## lib.options.mkHomeEnableOption {#function-library-lib.options.mkHomeEnableOption} Creates an enableOption targeted for the management of the home system. Type: Option ## lib.options.mkHomeSettingsOption {#function-library-lib.options.mkHomeSettingsOption} Creates an enableOption targeted for the management of the home system. Type: (String -> AttrSet a) -> Option generatorFunction : (String -> AttrSet a) Function that, given a username, yields all of the home related options for that given user

Declared by: - /nix/store/d0di7dp3rn81gv0x7i7ki1gj7n3yjrgv-lib/options.nix

lib.strings: string manipulation functions#

{#sec-functions-library-strings} ## lib.strings.dirnameFromPath {#function-library-lib.strings.dirnameFromPath} Given an absolute path to a file, return the dirname of that file. Type: dirnameFromPath :: Path -> Path dir : (Path) Absolute path to a given file ::: {.example #function-library-example-lib.strings.dirnameFromPath} # lib.strings.dirnameFromPath usage example nixnix title="Example" linenums="1" dirnameFromPath "/etc/myDir/file.nix" => "/etc/myDir" :::

Declared by: - /nix/store/d0di7dp3rn81gv0x7i7ki1gj7n3yjrgv-lib/strings.nix

lib.types: additional types definitions#


Declared by: - /nix/store/d0di7dp3rn81gv0x7i7ki1gj7n3yjrgv-lib/types.nix